Avon Bug Guard

Spring seems to have arrived a few weeks early here in southern West Virginia! We have had warm, sunny days, and a few rain showers this week. As I was getting the kids ready to play outside one day, I realized that I needed to re-stock our sunscreen. We all love Avon's Bug Guard line! I wanted to share a quick post with my top 5 reasons that I choose to use these products on my own family.

Why I Choose Avon Bug Guard for my Family:

  1. It's safe! These are products that are safe for use on babies and children older than 6 months (for younger babies, ask your pediatrician). My whole family uses Bug Guard, parents and children alike!
  2. Pediatrician Recommended: My family's personal pediatrician has recommended Avon Bug Guard by name as a safe, effective insect repellent to use on our children (He did not know that I was an Avon representative when he did so). 
  3. Convenient: Before we used Bug Guard, it was so annoying remembering to apply both a sunscreen and an insect repellent.  Which do I apply first? Will they even work together? Is it safe to put all of these products on my babies at once?! With Bug Guard, its once and done. We have 2 in 1 products that protect you and your children from the sun's harmful rays and keep you safe from insects. 
  4. It's affordable.  Have you guys checked the shelves lately? Insect repellants and sunscreen are not cheap products to purchase by any means. That's why it makes me feel good to offer Bug Guard products to my family, friends, and customers. These products are very affordable. So much so that I buy multiples! I have a few to keep at home...one for my diaper bag..one for each vehicle...one for my son's tee ball bag...one for my husband's softball bag...you get the picture. 
  5. They are FUN! One of our products is a Disappearing Color Sunscreen/Insect Repellant combo. My kids think it's so neat to see the lotion go onto their skin blue, and then disappear as we rub it in! 
There you have it...5 reasons my family chooses to use Avon Bug Guard products. I could list more...such as the wide range of available products and packaging...but I think you get it..I really love this line! 


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