How to earn money as an Avon representative

How to earn money as an Avon representative 

Many men and women sign up as an Avon representative in order to receive a discount on products they are already using; although that is a big perk of being an Avon representative, for most people their work as an Avon representative is to supplement or replace their full time income elsewhere.

For me, Avon is my full time job. Most days it doesn't feel like work, since I truly enjoy what I do, I spend my days with my family, and I dont work in an outside office. However, Avon does provide my family with income. I want to share my tips for maximizing your earnings as an Avon representative, to make your business and profitable as it can be.

  1. Personalize your business.  Get to know your customers, and let them get to know you! My customers are my friends. They get to know my kids, who accompany me on delivery days; I send them birthday cards each year; I am more focused on building relationships than sales. Once I get to know them, I can help them find products that meet their needs and budget, and they are grateful for that. 
  2. Be consistent and follow through. Be sure that your customers receive a brochure every campaign, and a follow up call from you. Let them know what day you will be delivering their order, and stick to it. I know that sometimes life gets in the way, and schedules have to change. When that happens, if you have been building those relationships, your customers will understand!
  3. Take advantage of all 3 ways to earn that Avon offers. 
  • Sell Avon online Use your e-store that Avon provides for all representatives.  Share it with your family, friends, customers, and social media followers. Some customers prefer the convenience and anonymity offered by online shopping.
  • Sell Avon face to face. Share the Avon brochure with everyone you encounter day to day. Some people prefer the personal service this provides. 
  • Mentor other Avon representatives to open their own Avon businesses through Avon's leadership program. Help new Avon representatives learn how to build an Avon business, and get paid by Avon for doing so. 
Following all of these steps will help you focus on important areas of your business, that can help you earn the most money as an Avon representative .


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