How I'm earning money as an Avon representative, even when my business takes a backseat to life

Hey everyone! Sorry my posts have been sparse this has been hectic! I wanted to share with you a bit about how my Avon business is working for us, even when I can't be.

We have been dealing with a lot this week---migraines; breathing treatments, steroids, and antibiotics multiple times a day; schedule changes; sleepless's been a rough week.  Because of that, a lot of our important tasks have taken a backseat to life. Anyone else ever experience that? Sometimes just getting through each day is difficult.

We have still managed to finish the kids' schoolwork each day, keep the house in a somewhat manageable condition, and keep everyone fed and alive. That counts for something, right? But in the midst of it all, my business has been pushed aside...I've been trying my best to fit in time for work, but it's been slim.

How about you? When your kids, yourself, or your spouse are sick...can you continue working? Do you need to call in sick to your boss? How about your pay...does your check take a cut whenever you aren't able to work as much? Mine used to. But not anymore...I just checked my bank account...and there was my paycheck, as usual!

When working from home, I am still able to connect with my customers and team members, even when crazy things are happening in my personal life. My customers are still able to order products from me, or from my website, and my team members are still running their own business.  Thanks to these factors, my pay isn't affected by my personal crises!

It's a liberating feeling to know that I can skimp on work today when my toddler needs extra cuddles because she is sick, or when my big kid wants to spend extra time outside because the weather is nice...I know that I can catch up on work after they are in bed, or on the weekend...because I can! I love being able to set my own hours, and adjust them as be available when my family needs me...and to not need to worry about sick days or lost pay.

I'd love to help you find the same freedom and joy that I have found in my business with Avon.  It has opened doors for us that I never dreamed of, and introduced our family to a lifestyle that we never imagined!

If you want the freedom to
  • set your own hours
  • be in control of your paycheck
  • control your own vacation schedule
  • work from home
  • spend more time with family
  • have more time for yourself and your hobbies
  • form new relationships
  • build your self-confidence
  • gain new knowledge and experiences don't want:
  • a boss telling you how to run your business
  • a hefty inventory to keep up with
  • to host parties, either online or in person,
  • to meet a quota each month
  • a huge upfront investment cost
Let's talk! Does this sound like you? Avon might be a good fit! It was for me! I'd be happy to send you more information, or if you are ready to sign up today, you can be in business immediately!

Avon starter kits begin at just $25! You can read more about what's included in each starter kit by reading my post about them, here.

I hope to be welcoming you to our Avon team very soon! What's holding you back?


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