If you know me personally, or you've been reading my blog for long, you know I'm a planner by nature. I have a written plan for each day, each week, each month...I live by my to-do list. Anyone else?
Even if you're not the scheduled type, we all inevitably have tasks to complete each week that we aren't exactly looking forward to. Maybe you have a household chore you've been putting off...maybe you have a school assignment due soon...maybe you have a work deadline hanging over your head. The specific task isn't important...but we all encounter this situation.  What matters is how you handle it. Do you procrastinate and put it off until the last minute? Do you tackle it as soon as it comes up? 

I used to be Queen of the Procrastinators. I claimed that I functioned best under pressure. Have you ever said that about yourself? We say this...but is it really true?  Over the years, Ive acquired more responsibilities to manage, and better time management skills. But the best skill Ive picked up is the one I want to share with you today. Are you ready?

Every day, before you get out of bed, consider what you need to accomplish to feel successful that day. Write down a list if you want, or just make a mental note of it. But pick out the most difficult task...the one you are dreading...the one you most want to put off for later.

Once you've identified it....now take care of it. Right away, before you become distracted with other things, tackle that one thing you really don't want to do. Finish it before breakfast, if you can! Once you have it crossed off your list, you will feel so accomplished, and you will be free to move on to anything else you need to do that day. You won't have this thing hanging over you, causing you stress about putting it off again and again. You won't feel defeated that you didn't get around to it...again. It will be finished!

It's that simple! This one change has made a major improvement in how I feel about my days...it can improve my mood right from the start! Try it for 1 month, and see what it can do for you!

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