3 tips for staying motivated in your Direct Sales business

Being your own boss is a new experience for most people working in direct sales. You no longer have a manager scheduling your day, assigning tasks for you to complete. It’s up to you, as a business owner, to manage your time wisely, to be conscientious of the tasks and events filling your calendar, to keep yourself motivated to keep “going to work” everyday. Those are much easier said than done, for most of us. After being in this business for several years, I have noticed trends in my own motivation, and the positive effect that motivation has on my business. Today, I’m sharing 3 tips that anyone, with any company, can apply to maximize your business potential.

1. Consider (or re- consider) your “why”.
What brought you to a direct sales business in the first place? Why did you choose the company you did? Common answers include a need for supplemental income; a desire for better work/life balance; to save money for a specific need such as a new home or car, or a family vacation; a desire for a more flexible work schedule or to better accommodate family's schedule; to spend more time with children or family. These are all great, valid “whys”. But I encourage you to dig deeper—what specifically did you hope to gain from this business? My “why” has evolved over time, and that is common, too. You should re-consider your reasons for continuing your business periodically. Having a clear vision of what you hope to accomplish can keep you focused on challenging days. Some people even use a “dream board” to visualize their “why” by creating a collage of photos of their family, their dream home or car, their favorite vacation destination…I personally keep running lists of what I want to BE, what I want to DO, and what I have to HAVE (I began this after reading “The Success Principles” by Jack Canfield).

2. Stay connected with other business owners and top representatives in your company.
 Social media and the internet have connected our society like no other time in history. Leverage that to connect with other like-minded individuals! I am always gaining new ideas, learning new things, maintaining excitement about my company, and gathering information from other Avon representatives and top sellers that I follow on social media. Connect with other local representatives. Just because two business owners work for the same company in the same geographic location does not mean they have to be competitors. Work together…work events together…share information…co-host local informational meetings…find ways to help each other, and make a friend in the process! Attend your company’s in-person events. Most companies have some sort of annual conference. Avon's is called RepFest (coming up this weekend in Columbus, Ohio!). Most also offer local trainings, meetings, and more. These events can boost motivation like nothing else I’ve encountered. There is something about spending time with others who are passionate about your company’s products, and who understand your business like others cannot, that brings a whole new level of excitement into the mix.
3. Have fun!
Fun?? How can that possibly grow your business, right? It can! Enjoy your company. Try out new products. Connect with new people. One of my favorite things to do in my business is to demo new Fashion, jewelry, and cosmetic products that Avon launches. I order them, try them out, and post videos of my demos on social media. I truly enjoy trying new things and sharing them with others, and my friends and customers enjoy watching my videos! I only share products I try and enjoy, so my testimonials are genuine, and my excitement about a fun new product shows! I also enjoy meeting new people, and finding a connection with them. When others learn that I am an Avon representative, they often have a story to tell, of a mother or grandmother who used to use Avon products, or of a favorite Avon Lady who used to visit them years ago, etc.; These stories are so fun to hear, and help me form new relationships that wouldn’t have existed without our common bond of a love for Avon products. I also enjoy helping new representatives open their businesses. I get to spend time getting to know them, training them, and putting together surprise packages to send out to them. It’s always appreciates, and lots of fun for me! Find things that you enjoy doing, and find ways to apply them to your business. When your work is fun, you will be more motivated to make time for it regularly. Your excitement and passion will show in those you meet everyday, and others will become curious about what you do, and why it is so enjoyable. This gives you another way to make connections…by sharing your direct sales story with others.

I hope these tips are helpful to you! What ways have you found to keep yourself motivated on difficult days or slow seasons? I’d love to hear back from you!


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