Finding New Avon Team Members

In this post, I will be sharing my personal tips for success in finding and recruiting new Avon team members. These tips can be used by any Avon representative, or easily adapted for use in other direct sales companies.

1. Promote BOTH sides of your Avon business. Include both your e-store URL as well as sign up directions on everything. 
This includes, but is certainly not limited to email signature lines, social media profiles, business cards, vehicle signage, etc.
***If you do not know, your sign up directions are as follows: Send any recruit to and give them your reference code. This is whatever comes at the end of your e-store URL. For example, mine is so my reference code is destinywright

2. Use the internet and social media to your advantage. Post regularly about both sales and recruiting on your social media pages. Consider starting a blog. Emily Seagren ( has some great information about blogging.

3. Include recruiting flyers in every brochure you give out. You can find lots of examples online or email me and I can send you one to use. Make sure your sign up directions and reference code are on each flyer.

4. Set up an in-person event (such as open house or vendor event) and be sure to have recruiting literature available. This means having business cards, recruiting flyers, brochures with flyers, and try-it kits available (see my next point). The Career and Compensation guide found on is a valuable resource. Consider having one, or multiple copies printed and blund at a local office supply store.

5. Use try-it kits. These are small packets where someone who is interested can "try out" being a representative before they pay the sign up fee. I use plastic "door hanger bags" (found on I include a brochure, my business card, individual order forms (listed as Call Back Notes on, a few samples, and recruiting information. I hand these out to LOTS of people....people at the mall, waitresses, cashiers, friends and family who have expressed interest. They are unexpeinexpto put together, but they look and feel like a nice, professional gesture. The recruit takes the kit, shows the brochure to their family and friends, and you call them to follow up in 2-3 days. Be sure to get their phone number and email address when you give them the kit. Set a specific day/time to follow up and FOLLOW THROUGH. When you do the follow up call, set an appointment with the recruit to help them sign up, if they wish. They will use any orders already collected as a part of their first order.

I hope these tips are helpful to you. Once you acquire a few team members, extending the Avon opportunity to others will become second nature. You will also gain access to ALMA which allows Avon and your upline leader to share online leads with you, as well as VIBE, which is Avon's team mamagemman software. Please reach out to me with any questions. 


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