How to Believe in Yourself

How to Believe in Yourself

Self confidence can be difficult to come by.  Sometimes we let our own perceptions interfere with how we view ourselves; oftentimes it is the opinions, either real or perceived, of others that bring us down; it could be our performance at a job, or a difficult relationship. No matter the cause, your self-worth is always worth investing in.  Make yourself a priority...believe in yourself, and you will see yourself succeed! Here are a few tips from motivational speaker and coach Brendon Burchard. You can find Brendon's full video discussion of this here. 

5 Tips for Believing in Yourself:

  • Momentum-
    • This simply means winning a little each day.  Allow yourself to achieve a couple of small goals.  You'll gain confidence and momentum when you see any amount of success. 
  • Integration-
    • Allow yourself to integrate these "wins" into your heart.  Give yourself credit.  Recognize and celebrate your successes. 
  • Feedback-
    • Seek feedback from those around you.  If you're receiving negative feedback, your seeking feedback from the wrong people.  Ask those you love what you're doing right.  They may share insights that you wouldn't see on your own.  However, if you are consistently hearing negative feedback, stop to consider if its true.  If it is? Don't be upset by this.  Challenge yourself to use the negative feedback to grow....turn it around. 
  • Priming-
    • Prime the emotions you want to experience.  Brendon Burchard discusses how he wants to experience each day with momentum, positivity, motivation.  He practices a morning affirmation each and every day, in which he reads aloud (from his Bible, a motivation book, any reading material).  He recommends reading aloud, with passion.  This generates the passion, and emotions, that you want to experience in your day.  My favorite quote from his video is this, "The power plant doesn't have energy; it generates it.  You don't have happiness; you generate it."
  • Love-
    • Love yourself.  Some people have never learned to do this.  Brendon discusses this, and for me personally, loving myself requires recognizing God's love for me, as my Creator.  He created me to be unique. There is no one else on Earth exactly like another.  Learn to love your uniqueness, your quirks, your strengths.  Recognize your weaknesses, and use them to grow.  
    • Love others.  When you love and appreciate another person, they will appreciate you. They will bring you the positive feedback that I discussed above, and loving another person will give you a confidence boost in itself. 
I hope these tips resonate with you.  You find more of Brendon's tips and motivational videos, as well as links to his book, on his website or on YouTube. 

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